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Using Bottled Water for Plants: The Benefits Explained

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If your houseplants look dehydrated, try using bottled water instead of tap water for a safe and easy method to get them back on track.

Bottled water is free of contaminants accumulated in household pipes. Tap water often contains chlorine which is toxic to plants in high concentrations. Using bottled water for plants protects them from diseases caused by chemicals in tap water. Bottled water has a lower pH which is better for plant growth than household tap water.

This article will explain why using bottled water will make your plants happier, healthier, and better looking as well as an alternative.

Is Bottled Water Good for Plants?

Using Bottled Water on Plants

The simple answer is YES. It’s generally okay to water plants with bottled drinking water compared to tap water. It’s also very inexpensive.

Most experts agree that tap water contains a considerable amount of chlorine that can damage plants’ root systems if used excessively.

Water from tap or well sources contains many minerals and nutrients that are essential for plant growth. However, there are certain contaminants present in these waters that may not be good for plants.

Bottled water does not contain any of these harmful chemicals, making it safe for use around plants.

Additionally, it helps your plant to suck water from the soil without taking in the salts. It also retains fertilizer and nutrients that help in healthy root growth. 

What Plant Nutrients or Minerals Does Bottled Water Contain?

What are the ingredients in bottled water? The amount and distribution of minerals and nutrients in bottled water can vary depending on the type. 

A total of 13 nutrients are mainly found in most bottled waters. Among these are potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium, iron, manganese, copper, and zinc


Bottled water contains the most essential of all plant nutrients, Calcium. This calcium carbonate plays several roles in plant growth. It acts as a constituent of the cell membrane and cell wall. 

Moreover, it keeps up the proper alignment of the plant cells by holding them together. Most importantly, it assists in the activation of the plant enzyme system. It promotes pollination and cell division as well. 


Another macro element is Potassium which is a crucial element. It controls the stomatal activity followed by the uptake of CO2. This, in turn, increases Photosynthesis and helps in plant development. 


Magnesium is equally vital. Because as the central core of chlorophyll, it captures sunlight and, therefore, helps in photosynthesis.


Sodium bicarbonate is the source of carbon in photosynthesis. So, needless to mention its importance.


Due to the lack of iron, the plant leaves turn yellow. Therefore, it is easy to guess how vital iron is. It helps in chlorophyll synthesis and keeps up the structure of the chloroplast. In this way, it further aids the plant leaves to produce oxygen. 


The micronutrient zinc prevents the discoloration or yellowing of plant leaves, called chlorosis

Carbon Dioxide:

Who does not know that plants need carbon dioxide for the most vital process of plant growth, Photosynthesis? In other words, CO2 is the main element that helps produce sugar, i.e., plant food.

What is The Best Bottled Water for Plants?

Now, to give the badge ‘Best’ to a particular type of bottled water, you need to know about the various types of bottled water first. For your ease, here’s a list:

Types of Bottled Water:

Spring Water:  

This type of bottled water comes first on the list because it is considered pre-purified water. The water sits at the underground water table and flows through natural elements such as limestone, rocks, etc. So, it is pure and health-promoting, even for plants, mainly because it is rich in multiple minerals. 

Purified Water: 

This type of water is underground or tap water in origin. It goes chronologically through various water treatments, namely Coagulation and Flocculation, Sedimentation, Filtration, and Disinfection.  So, it is called purified water. This water is free from bacteria and other microscopic living organisms as well as dissolved solids. 

Mineral Water: 

It is also underground water but contains multiple minerals such as magnesium, potassium, and calcium. Salts are also added to this type of water. It is often aerated with carbon dioxide that prevents bacteria. 

Sparkling Boiled Water: 

When water is infused with carbon dioxide, it is called sparkling water. This water is then given heat which helps the water to lose the dissolved CO2

Artesian Water: 

This type of water is sourced from underground aquifers that are called Artesian well. It contains minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, sulfur & bicarbonate.

Well Water: 

Well water is water that comes from an underground source and is pumped to your home through a well. It is also called groundwater because it is usually found beneath the ground.

Some wells are drilled into the rock, but most wells use a hollow tube or pipe to reach the underground water, and this area is called the wellbore.

Among the types mentioned above, Spring Water is deemed the best for plants as it naturally contains many essential nutrients that suffice the plant’s needs for minerals. Mineral water and sparkling boiled water also help plants to grow faster.

Nowadays, there are a thousand brands that deal in bottled water. Below are a few names. 

Dasani: This brand adds magnesium sulfate, potassium chloride, and Epsom, as well as table salt to give water a distinct taste.

Fiji Natural Artesian Water: Fiji packs natural artesian water after adding silica, magnesium, calcium, and nitrate. 

Evian: This brand’s water contains natural electrolytes. Evian also adds magnesium and zinc to the water it packs.   

Aquafina: In this brand’s water, there remains flavors, some sodium, and other chemicals. Aquafina water is free from Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and fluorine.   

Mountain Valley: Mountain Valley Spring Water packed by Mountain Valley Company contains minerals such as calcium carbonate, iron, manganese, and a small amount of fluoride. This is a high pH, pristine water. 

Smartwater: This brand adds potassium, magnesium, chloride, and calcium to the water. It sells mineral water of a smooth taste.

Voss: Voss water contains a blend of multi-minerals. It has calcium, magnesium, and 72 trace elements but no sodium in it. 

Pure Life: Nestle Pure Life water is enhanced with calcium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, and magnesium sulfate. 

Bottled Water Vs. Tap Water for Plants

The main reason why people choose to use bottled water for their plants is that they believe it’s better than using tap water.

However, this isn’t necessarily true! In fact, there’s a lot more to choosing between bottled and tap water for plants than just whether or not it tastes better.

The first thing to consider when deciding what kind of water to use for your plants is whether or not it has been treated at all.

If you’re looking for something that’s free from chemicals and other harmful substances, then you need to look for water that hasn’t been filtered through any type of treatment process. This includes things like chlorination, ionization, ozonation, and even boiling.

Water purified by reverse osmosis filters out impurities but leaves behind essential minerals that plants require for healthy growth.

The best way to ensure that you are providing your plants with the right amount of nutrients is to use mineralized bottled water.

When you use bottled water, you are providing a much better environment for your plants than if you were using tap water. 

However, there is no need to buy expensive bottles of filtered water. You can make your own inexpensively and easily at home.

Filtered tap water can provide your plants with the optimal environment for plants to grow healthily, similar to using bottled water but cheaper (almost free).

How To Make Your Own Bottled Water For Plants

To make your own bottle of filtered water for plants, all you need is an ordinary plastic or glass drinking bottle (preferably one that has been used before).

You will also need:

  • A filter cartridge (or two) with Bottle
  • A funnel
  • A strainer
  • An airtight container to store it in

Step 1: Fill up the bottle with clean tap water.

Step 2: Place the filter cartridge(s) into the bottle so they cover the top.

Step 3: Screw on the lid tightly.

Step 4: Put the bottle somewhere safe where it won’t be damaged or tipped over.

Step 5: Wait until the next day when you will remove the filter cartridges and replace them with new ones.

Step 6: Pour some of the water from the bottle through the funnel into another container. This should leave about half as much water in the bottle as when you started.

Step 7: Store your bottled water in an airtight container. It should last several weeks.

The Best Way To Use Bottled Water For Plants?

An easy way to use bottled water for plants is to pour it directly onto the soil surface around each plant. This will ensure that the roots have access to the water while keeping the rest of the plant’s foliage dry.

However, the best way to apply bottled water to plants is by using the bottom watering method.

Bottom watering is applying water to plants from the bottom up. The flow of water is opposite to the conventional watering method and is pulled up into and throughout the soil by capillary movement. 

Plants are placed in a bottom watering tray and allowed to sit for 15 to 20 minutes.

This method of watering proves to be effective from our experience as it gives the water enough time to move into and fill the entire root structure. 

The roots are now exposed to more nutrient availability from the surrounding soil. In turn, this results in healthier plants with lush green leaves. 

Note: Don’t use tap water for growing plants indoors. It contains too many chemicals and other contaminants to be suitable for plants.

This video shows how to create a homemade humidifier. It uses a small aquarium pump to circulate water through a sponge filter. This creates a moist atmosphere ideal for growing houseplants.

Pros and Cons of Bottled Water:

Each thing has both merits and demerits. So, has the bottled water. Look over the pros as well as the cons of bottled water below.

It contains no impurities, bacteria, or harmful components.Water is often tainted by the plastic bottles in which it is stored.
It is readily available almost everywhere.Chemicals from plastic bottles may mix up with the water in them and cause health hazards.
In this bottled state, water is portable.Its sources are sometimes not known.
It satisfies your taste buds.It is costly.
It is easy to store anywhere.Plastic bottles used for their packaging cause pollution.

Circumstances Where you may Need to Use Bottled Water on Plants:

If you use tap water on your plants, you must have experienced that the plants start getting dry a few days later. The soil also becomes compacted. 

These are the signs of a salt build-up in the soil caused by tap water. In such circumstances, you can rely on bottled water.

Again, you might find that although you water your plants regularly with purified distilled water, they are not growing that much. Wanna know why? It happens because distilled water is depleted of any nutrients. So, it cannot meet the requirements of your plant.

So, people often add minerals and nutrients externally. But that too does not work. It causes root rot instead. This addition of nutrients may also stunt the growth of the plant.

In such a case, you can unhesitatingly lay your hand on bottled water.   

The Takeaway:

Using bottled water for plants can provide plants with a clean and safe source of hydration. It avoids using other sources such as tap water on plants that can contain harmful contaminants such as chlorine. Bottled water can be applied using any conventional watering method or by bottom watering.

Bottled water is a safe choice after rainwater for plants. It provides your plants with micro and macro elements that the plants need. 

Bottled water has some cons as well. Before committing to the use of this water, weigh both its pros and cons. 

The quality and minerals present in bottled water can vary by brand and processing techniques and with processing, it comes at a cost. Bottled water can cost up to a hundred times more expensive than tap water.

Although bottled water may be the healthier choice you should consider making your own purified water by filtering out the chemicals in tap water before using it on your plants.

Bottled water can be applied to plants using conventional watering methods however, using the bottom watering method the water applied can reach the entire root structure of the plant by moving upwards into the entire soil structure.

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