The height of a garden fence is an important consideration. But how would you know how high should a garden fence be?
A garden fence should be tall enough to keep pets out but not as high as it blocks out the sunlight. It is recommended to build your fence at least 3 feet tall if you want to prevent small animals like rabbits from entering and at least 6 feet tall if you want to prevent larger animals such as deer.
This article will discuss the different considerations related to garden fence height when it comes to unwanted animals and how it can help to protect your crops from theft.
Average Height for a Garden Fence:
A garden fence is one of the simplest and most cost-effective things you can do to keep your plants safe from predators.
A typical garden fence can be installed between 3 to 5 feet tall; however, some people choose to install taller above-ground fences that reach up to 10 feet in height.
You’ll want to keep the fence 3-4ft for small animals like rabbits and then 6-8ft for exciting animals like deer – some deer can jump up to 6ft.
In most cities, the height of a residential fence is determined by lot size. For example, on a 40′ x 80′ lot (160 square feet), the fence can be 6-8 feet tall.
Some types of residential fences are allowed to be taller than other types. Check with your local government or homeowner’s association to find the most up-to-date regulations regarding fences.
The height of your fence will also depend on the type of garden fence you have chosen and what purpose it serves in your garden.
A fence can be made of any material, but if you want your garden to look nice and neat, then you should choose a wood or metal material, as these materials will not rust or rot over time.
Table for Height for Different Garden Pests
Pests | Height |
Deers | 5-6ft |
Raccoons | 3-4ft |
Foxes | 6-8ft |
Table for Height for Farm Animals
Farm Animals | Height |
Chickens | 6-8ft |
Rabbits | 2-3ft |
Dogs | 6-8ft |
Goats | 5-6ft |
Turkeys | 3-4ft |
Why you Should Build a Garden Fence:
Garden fences serve a variety of purposes. They can give you the privacy you want in your backyard or keep animals out of your yard.
They can prevent damage to plants and flowers in your garden or secure tools or other items that might otherwise get stolen from your yard.
If you don’t have a fence yet, there are many reasons why you should build one:
Prevent Pests
There are many reasons for building a fence around your garden, but the most obvious one is to keep out unwanted animals.
If you have dogs or cats, you may want to install a fence around the garden because they will not only be able to run free, but they will also be able to get into and out of the garden without your help.
If you do not want the animals in your yard, you can build a fence around them instead of letting them run off into the woods. This is especially true if you have children who may want to play with these animals.
They also help prevent weeds from growing up through cracks in the soil, which can cause problems for plants if left unchecked.
Prevent Theft
There are many ways to protect your garden from thieves. One of the most important is the fence.
Thieves love to steal garden tools, lawnmowers, and other valuable items from people’s yards. If you have a fence around your garden, it may deter thieves from coming in and stealing your plants and tools.
Garden fences are often used to keep people and animals out of your yard. They are most effective if they are made of high-quality materials, but even low-cost garden fences can help you keep unwanted visitors out.
Provide Privacy
You may want to build a fence around your yard if you want privacy in your backyard or if you want to keep people from coming onto your property without an invitation first.
Some people even use fences as boundaries between their properties so that they can sell their land without having problems with people trespassing on their land.
Provide a Wind Break
Garden fences are a great way to provide a wind break to plants and add privacy to your garden.
They can be built from recycled materials or buy pre-made ones from your local garden center or online.
The fence needs to be high enough to keep the wind from blowing over the plants but low enough not to block the light or airflow.
See our detailed article on how airflow is important to plants.
Provide More Space
Another reason for building a fence around your garden is so that you can have more space for other things like plants and flowers in the area where the fence is located.
The fece can provide an avenue for support to install a trellis which can become home to many climbing vegetables.
See how to build a raised bed garden against a fence.
What to Consider when building a Fence:
The fence is the main part of your garden. It separates your space from the rest of the world and makes it look more attractive. When building a fence, there are many factors to consider. These include
Best Material for a Garden Fence:
Fencing can be made from various materials, including wood, metal, plastic, and even wire mesh, depending on what you want your design to look like.
The main thing is that whatever material you use must withstand high winds without bending or breaking under pressure.
Garden fences can be made from a variety of materials, including:
Wood –
A classic choice for garden fences, wood has been used for centuries as a way to define property boundaries. Wood is also weather-resistant, which makes it an ideal material for exterior walls.
Metal –
Metal fencing is extremely durable and long lasting, making it the perfect choice for garden fences. It’s also lightweight and easy to install, so you won’t need any help from a contractor!
Plastic –
Plastic fencing is durable and won’t sag over time like wood or metal fencing tends to do. It can be molded into whatever shape you want and comes in a variety of colors so that it looks great in any setting!
Picket fencing is made from wooden posts with metal or plastic ladders attached at regular intervals along the top rail.
This style of fencing works well for smaller gardens because it allows for easy access around the perimeter but keeps animals out.
The spacing between each post is important because it helps determine how far apart they are in terms of height. If you have a lot of plants and shrubs in your yard, you may want to consider using poles instead of posts since they don’t take up as much space.
Depth into the soil of Support posts:
The depth of support posts into the soil should be considered when building a fence. The more support posts in the ground, the more stability to the fence and the better it will stand up to strong winds and other weather conditions.
The depth of the post will determine how strong the fence is and how long it will last.
It is also essential to consider what type of ground you are building on and whether or not there are any objects such as rocks, roots, or rocks that could break through your fence.
The depth of a fence post is measured in inches by calculating how many feet it is from the ground up to where you want your fence to be placed on top of it; then, add two feet for every foot away from that actual spot.
For example, if you want a 6-foot fence, then your fence posts should be about 8 feet deep.
The Shade It Will Cast on Plants
In the garden, the shade cast by garden fences on plants should be considered. The shade is an important factor in determining the amount of light that plants receive and therefore, their growth rate.
The amount of light received by a plant depends on its position with respect to the sun’s rays, which can be affected by the presence of other objects in front of it.
The fence should not be placed too close to the edges of the garden for maximum effect.
The Takeaway:
Gardening is a hobby that can be enjoyed from the comfort of your own home. Whether you grow things for food or flowers, it is important to have some barrier between you and the outside world.
A garden fence is a good way to keep kids and animals out of your yard and make sure they’re not getting into places they shouldn’t. You can also use your fence to keep pets contained in one area of your yard.
A garden fence protects your property from theft and vandalism. In addition, it provides privacy and security to your home or business premises.
It also gives you an opportunity to enjoy the beauty of nature while keeping intruders out of your yard or garden area.