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Glacier Pothos Vs Njoy: Key Differences & Car Guides

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Torn between two of the most popular varieties, Glacier Pothos and Njoy? Both options offer beautiful foliage and easy care, but what are the differences between them?

The first difference between Glacier Pothos and Njoy is their foliage. Glacier Pothos has large heart-shaped leaves with a unique variegated pattern of white and green. On the other hand, Njoy has much smaller leaves with a dark green hue and a glossy finish. Both types of plants look great in any home, but they both have different textures that can suit different tastes.

Another point to consider when choosing between Glacier Pothos vs. Njoy is their care requirements. Glacier Pothos prefers bright indirect light, while Njoy likes moderate indirect light or shade.

In this article, we will discuss some key differences between these two popular varieties so that you can make an informed decision about which one is right for your home.

Overview Of Glacier Pothos

Glacier Pothos Vs Njoy

Glacier Pothos, or Epipremnum pinnatum, is a popular trailing vine with striking silver satin variegated leaves.

The plant’s glossy leaves are lush and full, creating an interesting contrast between the light and dark shades on the plant’s foliage. Its trailing vines can be trained to climb structures or hang down for a cascading effect.

Glacier Pothos is fairly easy to care for and can thrive both indoors and outdoors with proper care.

Table for Glacier Pothos:

AppearanceStriking silver satin variegated leaves; glossy, lush, and full; interesting contrast between light and dark shades
Growth habitTrailing vines can be trained to climb structures or hang down for a cascading effect
Care requirementsRequires adequate moisture and bright indirect light; regular watering but not excessive to avoid root rot; fertilizers during the growing season; pruning may be necessary.
SuitabilityEasy to care for and can thrive both indoors and outdoors with proper care
BenefitsAdds texture, contrast, and movement to any indoor space; a popular and stunning houseplant choice.

Overview Of Njoy

Njoy is a popular hybrid plant that is part of the Epipremnum family. It is also known as Neon Pothos, and it features shiny, green leaves with yellow or white lines.

It has a trailing growth habit and prefers moist soil and bright light. This article provides an overview of Njoy, including its description, characteristics, facts, and other information about this interesting hybrid plant.

When looking at the description of Njoy, it has glossy green leaves with bright yellow or white streaks running through them.

The leaves are heart-shaped and can grow up to 6 inches long. Njoy plants have stems that are typically thin and wiry when young, but they become thicker with age.

The plant grows in a trailing pattern and can reach up to 5 feet in length when grown properly.

Plant NameNjoy
Other NamesNeon Pothos
DescriptionGlossy green heart-shaped leaves with yellow or white streaks; trailing growth habit; can grow up to 5 feet in length
CharacteristicsRequires moist soil that drains well but remain slightly damp between waterings; needs bright diffused light; moderate temperatures between 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit
Interesting FactsTolerant of low light levels; easy to care for; vibrant coloration; considered one of the most tolerant houseplants
BenefitsAttractive and easy-to-care-for option for adding greenery indoors or outdoors in shady areas; provides colorful foliage for many years with minimal effort

Growth Requirements Comparison


Glacier pothos and njoy plants require different growth requirements. Glacier pothos needs a high humidity level and is drought-tolerant, but they don’t like drastic temperature changes. They should be in soil that’s moist but not soggy and repotted every two to three years.

Njoys can handle lower humidity levels, but they prefer more water than glacier pothos.

The soil type should be well-draining, and the potting mix should contain peat moss or vermiculite to retain moisture.

They must be repotted once a year and thrive best in temperatures between 65-80 degrees Fahrenheit.

These two plants have different growth requirements that must be considered for them to thrive. With proper care, both can live long lives and provide beautiful foliage in any home or office setting.

CharacteristicsGlacier PothosNjoy Plants
Humidity LevelHighLower
Water RequirementsDrought-tolerantPrefer more water
Soil TypeMoist, but not soggyWell-draining with peat moss or vermiculite
Repotting FrequencyEvery two to three yearsOnce a year
Temperature RangeDon’t like drastic changesThrive best between 65-80°F

Glacier Pothos and Njoy Leaf Comparison


When comparing glacier pothos and njoy, both plants have unique appearances. The foliage of each plant has its own qualities that distinguish them from one another.

Here are 3 key characteristics to consider when comparing the two:

  1. Leaf Shape Comparison
  2. Foliage Color Comparison
  3. Variegation Comparison

The leaf shape of glacier pothos is wider and more oval than that of njoy, which is narrower and more pointed.

The foliage color comparison between the two varies as well; glacier pothos has a green-yellow hue while njoy has an olive green coloration with some shades of yellow on the edges of the leaves.

Lastly, the variegation comparison between the two showcases a stark contrast; glacier pothos has bright white variegation along its leaves, while njoy’s variegation is much more subtle and muted in comparison.

Propagation of Glacier Pothos and Njoy


Glacier Pothos and Njoy differ in propagation. Cuttings are the most common way to propagate both plants.

However, Glacier Pothos can also be propagated through division and air-layering, while Njoy is only through cuttings and rooting.

It is important to note that air-layering is the best method for producing roots on a Glacier Pothos, while rooting is the best method for Njoy.

When it comes to propagating with cuttings, both plants are relatively easy.

The cuttings should be taken from stems that have at least two nodes with some healthy leaves. Each cutting must be placed in a moist substrate such as perlite or vermiculite until they form roots, which normally takes two to three weeks.

For both plants, it is recommended to place the cuttings in indirect sunlight during the rooting process and keep them away from direct sunlight until the roots have established themselves firmly in the potting medium.

Once these conditions have been met, both plants will be ready for transplanting into larger pots or planters.

Disease And Pest Resistance Comparison

Plant Pests
TopicGlacier PothosNjoy
Disease resistanceResistant to root rot, powdery mildew, and bacterial leaf spotHighly resistant to various plant diseases
Pest resistanceCan withstand most pests including mealybugs and aphidsMore susceptible to spider mites
Overall disease and pest resistanceGoodGood
Ease of careEasy to care for and require minimal attentionEasy to care for and require minimal attention
Recommendation for pest and disease resistanceBetter choice for those concerned about pests or plant diseases attacking their plantBoth plants have similar traits in terms of disease and pest resistance
Suitable forNovice gardeners or those looking for an easy-to-care-for houseplantNovice gardeners or those looking for an easy-to-care-for houseplant

Ease Of Care Between Glacier Pothos and Njoy

Plant Care

Glacier pothos and njoy plants have a similar ease of care requirements, making them both low-maintenance houseplants. Both plants require minimal effort to keep them looking healthy and thriving.

Plant NameLight RequirementsWater RequirementsFertilizer RequirementsClimbing Behavior
Glacier PothosTolerates low lightInfrequent wateringNot much neededAggressive climber
Njoy PlantBright indirect lightWater when soil is dryNot much neededTolerant

For glacier pothos, less care is required than other varieties of pothos because it’s a hardy plant that can tolerate low light levels. It doesn’t need frequent watering or much fertilizer in order to grow well.

The main issue with caring for glacier pothos is that it tends to be an aggressive climber, which can mean you’ll need to provide support for it if you want it to stay in one place.

Njoy plants are also known for their easy care requirements. They don’t need much sunlight or water, and they don’t require regular fertilizing either.

Njoys do best in bright indirect light and should only be watered when the soil is dry, but they are generally very tolerant of different conditions and don’t need a lot of attention.

Maintenance Needs of Both Glacier Pothos and Njoy

Plant Maintenance
TopicGlacier PothosNjoy
Light requirementsBright indirect light kept away from cold draftsBright indirect light kept away from cold drafts
Soil requirementsPotting mix with good drainagePeat-based mix that drains slowly
Pruning needsRegular pruning to keep the shapeNot typically pruned
Humidity requirementsAverage humidity levelHigher humidity levels
Repotting needsEvery 1-2 yearsCan wait longer if necessary
Overall maintenance requirementsDistinct differences between the two plantsDistinct differences between the two plants
Suitable forThose willing to prune regularly and provide a potting mix with good drainageThose willing to provide a peat-based mix that drains slowly and higher humidity level

The Glacier Pothos and the Njoy require different maintenance needs. When it comes to indoor maintenance, both plants need bright indirect light and to be kept away from cold drafts.

However, soil maintenance differs between the two – the Glacier Pothos needs a potting mix with good drainage while the Njoy requires a peat-based mix that drains slowly.

Pruning needs are also distinct; the Glacier Pothos needs regular pruning to keep its shape while the Njoy is not typically pruned.

Comparison table for Glacier Pothos and Njoy maintenance needs:

Watering Requirements Comparison

watering Pothos

When it comes to the watering requirements of glacier pothos and njoy, there are some key differences. The frequency of watering is one of the most important factors to consider.

Glacier pothos should be watered about once a week or when the top layer of soil is dry.

On the other hand, njoy can usually go for up to three weeks without needing water but should be checked periodically for signs of wilting and drooping leaves.

WateringGlacier PothosNjoy
Frequency of wateringAbout once a week or when the top layer of soil is dry.Can go up to three weeks without needing water, but should be checked periodically.
Proper watering techniquesLight and frequent watering to prevent roots from becoming soggy or flooded with too much water all at once.Thrive in consistently moist soil, so this isn’t an issue.
Depth of wateringShallow watering allows roots to absorb enough moisture without drowning.Shallow watering allows roots to absorb enough moisture without drowning.
Amount of waterMedium-small amounts.Slightly more than glacier pothos
Overall watering requirementsRequires light and frequent watering with medium-small amounts of waterCan go longer without watering and requires slightly more water
Suitable forThose willing to regularly water and provide shallow watering.Those willing to check periodically and provide slightly more water

Fertilizer Requirements Comparison


When it comes to fertilizer requirements, Glacier Pothos and Njoy both have different needs. Glacier Pothos is a low-light plant that can thrive with little fertilizer.

To feed it, one should use a balanced, water-soluble plant nutrient every two weeks in spring and summer and monthly in fall and winter.

Soil fertilizing is not necessary for this type of plant. On the other hand, Njoy’s care requires more attention regarding fertilizing.

Applying a balanced, water-soluble plant nutrient every week during the active growing season is recommended for optimal growth and health of this houseplant.

Comparison table for Glacier Pothos and Njoy fertilizer requirements:

FertilizingGlacier PothosNjoy
Fertilizer frequencyEvery two weeks in spring and summer, monthly in fall and winterEvery week during the active growing season
Soil fertilizingNot necessaryRecommended for optimal growth
Type of fertilizerAll-purpose liquid fertilizerSlow-release granular fertilizer with micronutrients or organic compost tea
Over-fertilizingShould be avoided to prevent nutritional deficiencies and root burnsShould be avoided to prevent nutritional deficiencies and root burns
Overall fertilizer requirementsLow fertilizer needs, use a balanced, water-soluble plant nutrient every two weeks in spring and summer and monthly in fall and winterNeeds a balanced water-soluble plant nutrient every week during the active growing season and slow-release granular fertilizer with micronutrients or organic compost tea
Suitable forThose willing to use an all-purpose liquid fertilizer every few weeksThose willing to use a balanced water-soluble plant nutrient weekly and slow-release granular fertilizer with micronutrients or organic compost tea

Toxicities Comparison

When it comes to toxicities, glacier pothos, and njoy plants are both considered pet-friendly. Glacier pothos is non-toxic to both cats and dogs.

This makes it a popular choice for households with pets. Njoy is also non-toxic and safe for pets, but it can cause digestive issues if ingested. Both plants are considered relatively safe when it comes to poisonous qualities.

Comparison table for Glacier Pothos and Njoy toxicity levels:

ToxicityGlacier PothosNjoy
Toxicity levelLowMedium
Non-toxic to cats and dogsYesYes
Safe for petsYesYes, but ingestion may cause stomach discomfort
Overall toxicityGenerally regarded as safe for pets and humansGenerally regarded as safe for pets and humans
Suitable forHouseholds with pets and children, as well as those looking for non-toxic plantsHouseholds with pets and children, but ingestion may cause stomach discomfort
PrecautionsKeep out of reach of children and animalsKeep out of reach of children and animals
Availability in the marketWidely available in the marketWidely available in the market

Light Preference Comparison


Light preference is a key factor when deciding between glacier pothos and njoy. Both plants require indirect light, but their preferences for light intensity vary.

To compare the two plants’ light preferences, we’ve created a table below.

Glacier PothosNjoy
Bright, indirect lightMedium or bright, indirect light
Can tolerate lower levels of lightPrefers brighter levels of light
Avoid direct sunlightAvoid direct sunlight

It’s important to note that both glacier pothos and njoy can tolerate lower levels of light than what is preferred. However, it’s still important to provide the appropriate amount of light for each plant to promote healthy growth and keep them thriving.

Glacier pothos prefers bright, indirect light, while njoy prefers medium or brighter levels of indirect sun exposure. Both plants should be shielded from direct sunlight, which can cause leaf damage and scorch the leaves.

The Takeaway

TopicGlacier PothosNjoy
ProsHardy and low maintenance, attractive foliage, grows quickly, tolerates low light, highly resistant to pests and diseasesBrightly colored foliage, ability to produce large leaves, unique texture and patterning, relatively easy to care for
ConsCan become leggy if it doesn’t get enough light, foliage fades in direct sunlight and may scorch if exposed too long, and overwatering during dormancy can cause problemsOver-watering can cause root rot or leaf damage, and requires more frequent pruning than other plants
OverallGreat for darker areas and requires less maintenance, but may become leggy or experience foliage problemsOffers a unique look with large leaves and bright colors, relatively easy to care for but requires more frequent pruning
Suitable forThose looking for a hardy and low-maintenance plant that grows quickly, and for those who need a plant that tolerates low lightThose who want a unique plant with large and brightly colored foliage that is easy to care for but requires more frequent pruning
Recommended precautionsKeep away from direct sunlight and be cautious with watering during the winter monthsBe careful not to overwater and prune regularly
Overall comparisonBoth are great choices for attractive and easy-to-care-for houseplantsGlacier Pothos is better suited for darker areas and requires less maintenance, while Njoy offers a unique look with large leaves and bright colors that require more frequent pruning

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